Preschool Thanksgiving Celebration: The Crisis of What to Bring?

If you have kids, you are undoubtedly invited to some sort of Thanksgiving concert/luncheon/festival at your child’s school. My son’s school celebration is on Tuesday and I’m bringing…drumroll…Crispy Caramelized Brussel Sprouts! No muffins, no stuffing, no pumpkin pie. That’s right – I am putting a stake in the ground and bringing a vegetable, and a “difficult” one at that. Even I used to dislike the mighty Brussel Sprouts and am only a recent convert. Despite what you may be thinking, my 2 1/2 year old eats and enjoys these.

Crispy, Caramelized Brussel Sprouts

Will I be a rock star for bringing a healthy, savory side dish to the table, or snickered at for quasi Grinch-like behavior?

I promise to report out the results, baring my soul to you all. Tell me what you think about my controversial choice. Please post your comments below.

Crispy Caramelized Brussel Sprouts @ school: All Gone